Parcoursup / Calcul de l'ordre d'appel des candidats index
module P5 use int.Int use seq.Seq use proofs.lib.seq.Seq use proofs.lib.permutation.Permutation use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeux use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeuxTaux use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse_Props use (* * Ordre lexicographique sur les sequences de voeux *) predicate lexico_less_ind (s1 s2 : seq_voeu) (i : int) = ( (0<= i <= length s1 /\ 0<= i <= length s2) /\ (forall ip. 0 <= ip < i -> get_rang s1[ip] = get_rang s2[ip]) /\ (i < length s1 -> (i < length s2 /\ voeu_lt s1[i] s2[i])) ) predicate lexico_less_or_equal (s1 s2 : seq_voeu) = (s1 == s2) || (exists i. lexico_less_ind s1 s2 i) (* * propriete 5 : minimalite pour l'ordre lexicographique parmi les * permutations de voeux ayant la propriete 1. *) predicate p5 (taux_b taux_r : Taux.t) (s : seq_voeu) = taux_r = 0-> forall p : permutation. p.n = length s -> let sp = permut s p in q1 taux_b sp -> lexico_less_or_equal s sp end module P5_UpToRangAppel use int.Int use seq.Seq use proofs.lib.permutation.Permutation use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeux use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeuxEqUpToRangAppel use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeuxDistincts use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse_Props use use export P5 let lemma permut_up_to_rang_appel (s1 s1p s2 s2p : seq_voeu) (p : permutation) requires { length s1 = p.n } requires { seq_voeu_eq_up_to_rang_appel s1 s2 } requires { s1p == permut s1 p } requires { s2p == permut s2 p } ensures { seq_voeu_eq_up_to_rang_appel s1p s2p } = () let lemma p5_up_to_rang_appel_oa (tx_b tx_r : Taux.t) (oa1 oa2 : seq_voeu) requires { [@expl:all(oa1)] all_distincts oa1 } requires { [@expl:p5(oa1)] p5 tx_b tx_r oa1 } requires { [@expl:oa1 = oa2 (mod ra)] seq_voeu_eq_up_to_rang_appel oa1 oa2 } ensures { p5 tx_b tx_r oa2 } = if Taux.to_int tx_r > 0 then return; let lemma aux (p : permutation) (oa2p : seq_voeu) requires { p.n = length oa2 } requires { oa2p = permut oa2 p } requires { q1 tx_b oa2p } ensures { lexico_less_or_equal oa2 oa2p } = let oa1p = permut oa1 p in assert { seq_voeu_eq_up_to_rang_appel oa1p oa2p }; q1_up_to_rang_appel_oa tx_b oa2p oa1p; assert { q1 tx_b oa1p }; assert { lexico_less_or_equal oa1 oa1p }; if oa1 == oa1p then assert { oa2 == oa2p } else let i = any (i : int ) ensures { lexico_less_ind oa1 oa1p i } in assert { lexico_less_ind oa2 oa2p i} in () end module P5_Lemmas use int.Int use seq.Seq use proofs.lib.seq.Seq as CS use proofs.lib.permutation.Permutation use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeux use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeuxDistincts use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeuxTaux use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.NbBoursiers use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq4_1.IQ4_1 as IQ4_1 use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq4_2.IQ4_2 as IQ4_2 use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq4_3.IQ4_3 as IQ4_3 use use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse_Props use P5 predicate type_ordonne(s : seq_voeu) (t : type_candidat)= forall i. 0 <= i < length s -> voeu_lt_than_typed_in_queue s[i] s[i+1..] t predicate non_boursiers_ordonnes(s : seq_voeu) = forall i j. 0 <= i < j < length s -> est_non_boursier s[i] -> est_non_boursier s[j] -> voeu_lt s[i] s[j] predicate boursiers_ordonnes(s : seq_voeu) = forall i j. 0 <= i < j < length s -> est_boursier s[i] -> est_boursier s[j] -> voeu_lt s[i] s[j] predicate tension_taux_boursier (taux_b : taux) (oa : seq_voeu) (k : int) = (0 <= k <= length oa ) /\ not (taux_ok taux_b (nb_boursiers oa[..k]) (k+1) ) let lemma p5_empty (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) ensures { p5 tx_b tx_ds empty } = () predicate iq4_1b_loc_nomap (nb_ds : int) (tx_ds : Taux.t) (s : seq_voeu) (i : int) = not (IQ4_1.in_Zr nb_ds tx_ds s i) -> (forall v. (Seq.seq_contains v s[i+1..]) -> est_boursier v -> voeu_lt s[i] v) predicate iq4_1b_nomap (nb_ds : int) (tx_ds : Taux.t) (s : seq_voeu) = forall i. 0 <= i < length s -> iq4_1b_loc_nomap nb_ds tx_ds s i predicate iq3_0_loc_nomap (oak : seq_voeu) (i : int) = voeu_lt_than_typed_in_queue oak[i] oak[i+1..] (get_type_candidat oak[i]) predicate iq3_0_nomap (oak : seq_voeu) = forall i. 0 <= i < length oak -> iq3_0_loc_nomap oak i predicate iq3_2_loc_nomap (oak : seq_voeu) (i : int) = not est_boursier oak[i] -> voeu_lt_than_typed_in_queue oak[i] oak[i+1..] NON_BOURSIER_DU_SECTEUR predicate iq3_2_nomap (oak : seq_voeu) = forall i. 0 <= i < length oak -> iq3_2_loc_nomap oak i predicate iq4_3b_loc_nomap (nb_b nb_ds : int) (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (s : seq_voeu) (i : int) = not (IQ4_3.in_some_Z nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s i) -> (forall v. (Seq.seq_contains v s[i+1..]) -> voeu_lt s[i] v) predicate iq4_3b_nomap (nb_b nb_ds : int) (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (s : seq_voeu) = forall i. 0 <= i < length s -> iq4_3b_loc_nomap nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s i let lemma all_resident_implies_Zr_empty (nb_ds : int) (tx_ds : Taux.t) (s : seq_voeu) requires { tx_ds = 0 } ensures { forall i. 0 <= i < length s -> not IQ4_1.in_Zr nb_ds tx_ds s i } = () let lemma iq3_implies_non_boursiers_ordonnes (nb_b nb_ds : int) (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (d : seq_voeu) requires { tx_ds = 0 } requires { iq3_0_nomap d } requires { iq3_2_nomap d } requires { iq4_3b_nomap nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds d } ensures { non_boursiers_ordonnes d } = ( all_resident_implies_Zr_empty nb_ds tx_ds d; let n = length d in for i = 0 to n-1 do invariant { forall ip j. 0 <= ip < i -> ip < j < n -> est_non_boursier d[ip] -> est_non_boursier d[j] -> voeu_lt d[ip] d[j] } if est_non_boursier d[i] then for j = i+1 to n-1 do invariant { forall j'. i < j' < j -> est_non_boursier d[j'] -> voeu_lt d[i] d[j'] } if est_non_boursier d[j] then begin assert { d[j] = d[i+1..][j-i-1] }; assert { Seq.seq_contains d[j] d[i+1..] }; assert { iq3_0_loc_nomap d i }; assert { iq3_2_loc_nomap d i }; assert { iq4_3b_loc_nomap nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds d i }; assert { not (IQ4_1.in_Zr nb_ds tx_ds d i) }; assert { not (IQ4_2.in_Zb nb_b tx_b d i) }; assert { voeu_lt d[i] d[j] } end done done ) let lemma iq41b_implies_boursiers_ordonnes (nb_ds : int) (tx_ds : Taux.t) (d : seq_voeu) requires { tx_ds = 0 } requires { iq4_1b_nomap nb_ds tx_ds d } ensures { boursiers_ordonnes d } = ( all_resident_implies_Zr_empty nb_ds tx_ds d; let n = length d in for i = 0 to n-1 do invariant { forall ip j. 0 <= ip < i -> ip < j < n -> est_boursier d[ip] -> est_boursier d[j] -> voeu_lt d[ip] d[j] } if est_boursier d[i] then for j = i+1 to n-1 do invariant { forall j'. i < j' < j -> est_boursier d[j'] -> voeu_lt d[i] d[j'] } if est_boursier d[j] then begin assert { d[j] = d[i+1..][j-i-1] }; assert { Seq.seq_contains d[j] d[i+1..] }; assert { iq4_1b_loc_nomap nb_ds tx_ds d i }; assert { not (IQ4_1.in_Zr nb_ds tx_ds d i) }; assert { voeu_lt d[i] d[j] } end done done ) let lemma oav_sat_p5_rec (nb_b nb_ds : int) (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (ordre_appel s : seq_voeu) (p : permutation) requires { tx_ds = 0 } requires { boursiers_ordonnes ordre_appel } requires { non_boursiers_ordonnes ordre_appel } requires { all_distincts ordre_appel } requires { iq4_3b_nomap nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds ordre_appel } requires { q1 tx_b ordre_appel } requires { length ordre_appel = p.n = length s } requires { forall k. 0 <= k < length s -> voeu_eq s[k] ordre_appel[p k] } requires { q1 tx_b s } ensures { lexico_less_or_equal ordre_appel s } =
let cl = ordre_appel in let i = first_not_id p in assert { forall j. 0<= j < i -> s[..i][j] = s[j] = cl[p j] = cl[j] = cl[..i][j]}; assert { forall j. 0<= j < i -> est_boursier s[..i][j] <-> est_boursier cl[..i][p j] <-> est_boursier cl[..i][j]}; CS.seq_numof_equiv cl[..i] s[..i] est_boursier; assert { nb_boursiers cl[..i] = nb_boursiers s[..i] }; if i = p.n then begin assert { forall j. 0<= j < p.n -> rang s[j] = rang cl[p j] = rang cl[j]}; assert { lexico_less_ind cl s p.n }; return end; let c = cl[i] in let bp = nb_boursiers cl[..i] in let bs = nb_boursiers cl[i..] in assert { nb_boursiers cl = bp + bs }; let k = ( i) in (* begin preuve de i < k *) if i >= k then begin assert { k = p k && p.inv k = k && k = i}; absurd end; assert { i < k < length cl }; (* fin preuve de i <k *) (* preuve rang cl[i] <> rang cl[k] *) assert { s[i] = cl[p i] = cl[k] }; assert { rang cl[i] <> rang cl[k] }; (* fin preuve rang cl[i] <> rang cl[k] *) (* on montre que rang cl[i] < rang s[i] cas 1: le taux est contraignant 1.1 : cl[i..] contient au moins un boursier 1.2 : cl[i..] ne contient pas de boursier cas 2: le taux est non contraignant *) (* taux contraignant (donc il reste des boursiers dans cl) *) if tension_taux_boursier tx_b cl i && not non_boursiers_seulement cl[i..] then begin if not est_boursier c then begin assert { not seq_respecte_taux_b tx_b cl[..i+1] }; assert { q1_loc tx_b cl (i+1) }; assert { nb_boursiers cl[i..] = nb_boursiers cl[i+1..]}; carac_non_bour_seulement cl[i+1..]; assert { not non_boursiers_seulement cl[i+1..] }; assert { seq_respecte_taux_b tx_b cl[..i+1] }; absurd; end; assert { est_boursier c }; if est_boursier s[i] then begin assert { est_boursier cl[k] }; assert { voeu_lt cl[i] cl[k] }; assert { voeu_lt cl[i] s[i]} end else begin assert { 0 <= p.inv i < length s }; assert { s[p.inv i] = cl[ p (p.inv i )] = cl[i] }; assert { est_boursier s[p.inv i] }; assert { p.inv i >= i }; assert { (p.inv i = i) -> (s[i] = s[p (p.inv i)] = cl[i] ) && est_boursier s[i] }; assert { p.inv i > i }; assert { s[p.inv i] = s[i+1..][p.inv i - i - 1] }; assert { est_boursier s[i+1..][p.inv i - i - 1] }; assert { not non_boursiers_seulement s[i+1..] }; assert { not (taux_ok tx_b (nb_boursiers s[..i]) (i+1)) }; assert { not (taux_ok tx_b (nb_boursiers s[..i+1]) (i+1)) }; assert { not q1_loc tx_b s (i+1) }; absurd; end; assert {voeu_lt cl[i] s[i]} end else if non_boursiers_seulement cl[i..] then begin assert { cl[i] = cl[i..][0] }; assert { est_non_boursier cl[i] }; assert { cl[k] = cl[i..][k-i] }; assert { est_non_boursier cl[k] }; assert { voeu_lt cl[i] cl[k]}; assert { s[i] = cl[k]}; assert { voeu_lt cl[i] s[i]} end else (* taux non contraignant donc on a choisit le meilleur candidat point barre***) begin assert { not tension_taux_boursier tx_b cl i}; assert { not IQ4_2.in_Zb nb_b tx_b cl i }; all_resident_implies_Zr_empty nb_ds tx_ds s; assert { not IQ4_1.in_Zr nb_ds tx_ds cl i }; assert { not IQ4_3.in_some_Z nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds cl i }; assert { i < k < length cl }; assert { cl[k] = cl[i+1..][k - i - 1] }; assert { Seq.seq_contains cl[k] cl[i+1..] }; assert { iq4_3b_loc_nomap nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds cl i }; assert { voeu_lt cl[i] cl[k]}; assert { voeu_lt cl[i] s[i]} end; assert { forall j. 0 <= j < i -> rang s[j] = rang cl[p j] = rang cl[j] }; assert { lexico_less_ind cl s i } (* * Un ordre d'appel valide satisfait P5 *) let lemma oav_sat_p5 (nb_b nb_ds : int) (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (ordre_appel : seq_voeu) requires { tx_ds = 0 } requires { boursiers_ordonnes ordre_appel } requires { non_boursiers_ordonnes ordre_appel } requires { all_distincts ordre_appel } requires { iq4_3b_nomap nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds ordre_appel } requires { q1 tx_b ordre_appel } ensures { p5 tx_b tx_ds ordre_appel } = let p = any permutation in if p.n = (length ordre_appel) then begin let sp = permut ordre_appel p in if (q1 tx_b sp) then oav_sat_p5_rec nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds ordre_appel sp p; end use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq3_0.IQ3_0 as IQ3_0 use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq3_2.IQ3_2 as IQ3_2 use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.enum_map.EnumMap let lemma iq_nomap_transfers (nb_b nb_ds : int) (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (s : seq_voeu) (m : EnumMap.t) requires {[@expl: p4precond_iq3_0] IQ3_0.iq3_0 s m } requires {[@expl: p4precond_iq3_2] IQ3_2.iq3_2 s m } requires {[@expl: p4precond_iq4_1b] IQ4_1.iq4_1b nb_ds tx_ds s m } requires {[@expl: p4precond_iq4_3b] IQ4_3.iq4_3b nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s m } ensures {[@expl: p4precond_iq3_0] iq3_0_nomap s } ensures {[@expl: p4precond_iq3_2] iq3_2_nomap s } ensures {[@expl: p4precond_iq4_1b] iq4_1b_nomap nb_ds tx_ds s } ensures {[@expl: p4precond_iq4_3b] iq4_3b_nomap nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s } = ( assert { forall i. 0 <= i < length s -> IQ3_0.iq3_0_loc s m i -> iq3_0_loc_nomap s i }; assert { iq3_0_nomap s }; assert { forall i. 0 <= i < length s -> IQ3_2.iq3_2_loc s m i -> iq3_2_loc_nomap s i }; assert { iq3_2_nomap s }; assert { forall i. 0 <= i < length s -> IQ4_1.iq4_1b_loc nb_ds tx_ds s m i -> iq4_1b_loc_nomap nb_ds tx_ds s i }; assert { iq4_1b_nomap nb_ds tx_ds s }; assert { forall i. 0 <= i < length s -> IQ4_3.iq4_3b_loc nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s m i -> iq4_3b_loc_nomap nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s i }; assert { iq4_3b_nomap nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s }; ) end module P5_Snoc use int.Int use seq.Seq use use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeux use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeuxDistincts use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq3_0.IQ3_0 use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq3_2.IQ3_2 use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq4_1.IQ4_1 use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq4_3.IQ4_3 use use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.enum_map.EnumMap use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.taux.Taux use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse use P5_Lemmas use export P5 let lemma p5_snoc (nb_b nb_ds : int) (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (oak s : seq_voeu) (m : EnumMap.t) (v : voeu) requires {[@expl:pre p5 / s = oak.v] s == snoc oak v } requires {[@expl:pre p5 / all_distincts] all_distincts s } requires {[@expl:pre p5 / q1] q1 tx_b s } requires {[@expl:pre p5 / iq3_0] iq3_0 s m } requires {[@expl:pre p5 / iq3_2] iq3_2 s m } requires {[@expl:pre p5 / iq4_1b] iq4_1b nb_ds tx_ds s m } requires {[@expl:pre p5 / iq4_3b] iq4_3b nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s m } requires {[@expl:pre p5 / p5] p5 tx_b tx_ds oak } ensures { p5 tx_b tx_ds s } = iq_nomap_transfers nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s m; if tx_ds.tx = (0:integer) then begin iq41b_implies_boursiers_ordonnes nb_ds tx_ds s; assert { boursiers_ordonnes s }; iq3_implies_non_boursiers_ordonnes nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s; assert { non_boursiers_ordonnes s }; oav_sat_p5 nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s end let lemma p5_empty (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (oak : seq_voeu) requires { oak = empty } ensures { p5 tx_b tx_ds oak } = () end (* generated on Wed Mar 12 02:04:22 UTC 2025 from rev: *)
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