Parcoursup / Calcul de l'ordre d'appel des candidats index
module IQ6 use int.Int use seq.Seq use proofs.lib.seq.Seq use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeux use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.enum_map.EnumMap use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.taux.Taux use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse_Props predicate iq6_loc (s : seq_voeu) (m : EnumMap.t) (k : int) = forall i. 0 <= i < k -> forall v. (enummap_contains m v -> voeu_lt s[i] v) && (seq_contains v s[i+1..] -> voeu_lt s[i] v) predicate iq6 (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (s : seq_voeu) (m : EnumMap.t) = tx_b = 0 -> tx_ds = 0 -> iq6_loc s m (length s) end module IQ6_Lemmas use int.Int use seq.Seq use proofs.lib.seq.Seq use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeux use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeuxTaux use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SortedSeqVoeux use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq4_1.IQ4_1 use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq4_2.IQ4_2 use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq4_3.IQ4_3 use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.enum_map.EnumMap use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse_Props use IQ6 let lemma taux_zeros_imp_taux_non_contraignants (nb_b nb_ds : int) (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (s : seq_voeu) requires { tx_b = 0 && tx_ds = 0 } ensures { not taux_b_contraignant tx_b s nb_b } ensures { not taux_ds_contraignant tx_ds s nb_ds } = () let lemma iq6_loc_ex (nb_b nb_ds : int) (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (s : seq_voeu) (m : EnumMap.t) (k : int) requires { tx_b = 0 && tx_ds = 0 } requires { forall i. 0 <= i <= k -> not in_some_Z nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s i -> forall v. enummap_contains m v -> voeu_lt s[i] v } requires { forall i. 0 <= i <= k -> not in_some_Z nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s i -> forall v. seq_contains v s[i+1..] -> voeu_lt s[i] v } ensures { iq6_loc s m k } = assert { forall i. 0 <= i <= k -> not in_Zb nb_b tx_b s i }; assert { forall i. 0 <= i <= k -> not in_Zr nb_ds tx_ds s i } let lemma iq6_imp_sorted (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (s : seq_voeu) (m : EnumMap.t) requires { iq6 tx_b tx_ds s m } requires { tx_b = 0 && tx_ds = 0 } ensures { sorted s } = for i = 0 to length s - 1 do invariant { forall j. 0 <= j < i -> forall k. j < k < length s -> voeu_lt s[j] s[k] } assert { iq6_loc s m i }; assert { forall v. seq_contains v s[i+1..] -> voeu_lt s[i] v }; assert { forall k. i < k < length s -> s[k] = s[i+1..][k-i-1] }; done end module IQ6_Snoc use int.Int use seq.Seq use use proofs.ordre_appel.invariants.iq4_3.IQ4_3 use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeux use proofs.ordre_appel.seq_voeux.SeqVoeuxTaux use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.taux.Taux use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.enum_map.EnumMap use fr.parcoursup.whyml.ordreappel.algo.voeu_classe.VoeuClasse use IQ6_Lemmas use export IQ6 let lemma iq6_snoc (cB cR : bool) (nb_b nb_ds : int) (tx_b tx_ds : Taux.t) (oak : seq_voeu) (om m : EnumMap.t) (x : voeu) requires {[@expl:cB equiv tx_b contraignant] cB = taux_b_contraignant tx_b oak nb_b } requires {[@expl:cR equiv tx_ds contraignant] cR = taux_ds_contraignant tx_ds oak nb_ds } requires {[@expl:pre iq6] iq6 tx_b tx_ds oak om } requires {[@expl:pre iq4_3] iq4_3 nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds (snoc oak x) m } ensures { iq6 tx_b tx_ds (snoc oak x) m } = if not (tx_b.tx = (0:integer) && tx_ds.tx = (0:integer)) then return; assert { not cB && not cR }; let s = snoc oak x in for k = 0 to length s - 1 do invariant { forall j. 0 <= j <= k -> iq6_loc s m j } assert { forall i. 0 <= i <= k -> not in_some_Z nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s i }; assert { iq4_3b_loc nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s m k }; iq6_loc_ex nb_b nb_ds tx_b tx_ds s m k; done; assert { iq6_loc s m (length s) } (* let lemma iq6_empty (g :GroupeClassementValide.t) (oak : seq_voeu) (m : EnumMap.t) requires { oak = empty } ensures { iq6 g oak m } = () *) end (* generated on Thu Jan 30 02:06:23 UTC 2025 from rev: *)
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